CGS Meeting Wet Labs
Learning Objectives
- Identify proper location of the various MIGS devices
- Describe the implantation techniques for MIGS devices
- Identify preferred MIGS device(s) to implement into current practice
The Canadian Glaucoma Society Wet Labs will run from 1:30pm – 4:00pm. Participants will rotate through 10 stations of Xen, Hydrus, iStent, Preserflo and Kahook Dual Blade in 15-minute increments. Each device with have one station with two scopes.
The CGS Wet Labs are physician led and will have a ratio of 2:1 for participant to physician expert.
At each station, physician leads will provide an overview of the simulation and the knowledge areas that will be tested. Participants will work through the implantation of the device, while receiving live feedback from the physician. Once the first round is completed, the participant will receive feedback from the physician to incorporate into three to four more simulation practices of implantation.
All feedback from the physician to participant will be given during the simulation and live.
During the simulations, participants will test their knowledge areas in expanding their current competenciesor developing new implantation techniques. For each of the devices, participations will:
XEN – Dr. Sébastien Gagné
Understand the Xen 45 device, lumen size, length and inserting device. During the simulation participants will understanding the conventional ab-interno insertion technique, feel of injector release, surgical positioning, incisions required, proper entry and exit from the eye. Participants will also have the opportunity to understand ancillary techniques to maintain flow, MMC augmentation and potentially alternative techniques for implantation.
Download Directions For Use For the XEN 45 Glaucoma Treatment System
Ab-Interno XEN Gel Implantation Video
iStent Inject W – Dr. Nir Shoham-Hazon
Understand the proper positioning of the microscope and patient for the insertion of the device with the use of gonioprism for visualization, stent placement in the trabecular meshwork, spacing between stents, release feel.
iStent inject W Comparison Chart
Dr. Singh iStent Inject W Video
iStent Inject W Procedure Animation
iStent Inject W Procedure Teach Video – Dr. Singh
Hydrus – Dr. Jing Wang
Understand the proper positioning of the microscope and patient for the insertion of the device. During simulation, participation with understand the use of viscoelastic, paracentesis incision, use of gonioprism for visualization, Hydrus needle orientation and placement in the trabecular meshwork, release feel, feel for proper final placement after insertion.
CAN SNG Hydrus Microstent HCP Brochure
Overview of Main Surgical Steps of with Hydrus Microstent
Hydrus Microstent for Glaucoma – Dr. Ike Ahmed
Preserflo – Dr. Georges Durr
Understand the device material, length, lumen size and proper positioning of microscope and patient. The simulation will allow participants the opportunity to practice incision and device placement, establishment of flow through the device, understand use of MMC, conjunctival closure to optimize device flow.
Batlle 5 year Long term Results of the PRESERFLO MicroShunt
Preserflo MicroShunt Procedure Animation
Preserflo MicroShunt Surgical Reference Guide
Step by Step PreserFlo Implantation
Kahook Dual Blade – Dr. Susan Wakil
Understand the mechanism of KDB, understand the orientation of the device in the eye, proper visualization of the trabecular meshwork, feel of resistance, maximum amount of TM treated, removal of TM tissue.
KDB Glide Surgical Steps and Brochure
KDB Designed for Precise Excision of TM Video
This activity is an Accredited Simulation Activity (Section 3) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. You may claim a maximum of 3.0 hours (credits are automatically calculated).